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SKU: 090927 Category:


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Paslode 090927 O-RING (3000C)

Fits the following Paslode Tools:

Paslode 2125-I18 Medium Crown Stapler
Paslode 2125-I18_DBL_LNGTH Medium Crown Double Length Stapler
Paslode 2125-N18 Trim/Finish Stapler
Paslode 2125-N18_DBL_LNGTH Narrrow Crown Double Length Stapler
Paslode 2125N-I Double Length Staplers
Paslode 2138-F18_II Finish Nailer
Paslode 3150-38-W16DL Stapler
Paslode 3150-38_I16 Medium Crown Stapler
Paslode 3150-38_I18 Medium Crown Stapler
Paslode 3150-38_N18 Stapler
Paslode 3150-38_S16 Medium Crown Stapler
Paslode 3150-38_W16 Widecrown Stapler
Paslode 3150-38_W16BF Wide Crown Stapler
Paslode 3150-38_W16L Wide Crown Stapler
Paslode 3150-38_W16R Wide Crown Stapler
Paslode 3150_38-N18 Narrow Crown Stapler
Paslode 3150_38-W16 Wide Crown Stapler
Paslode 3150_38-W16DL Wide Crown Stapler
Paslode 3150_W16L Lath Stapler
Paslode 3175RCU Roofing Coil Nailer
Paslode 3175_RC Roofing Coil Nailer
Paslode 3175_RCU Roofing Coil Nailer
Paslode 3200-50-C Coil Nailers
Paslode 3200-50-S16_DL Stapler
Paslode 3200-50_CP Coil Nailer
Paslode 3200-50_I16P Stapler
Paslode 3200-50_S16DL Stapler
Paslode 3200-50_S16P Stapler
Paslode 3200-50_W16 Widecrown Stapler
Paslode 3200-50_W16DL Wide Crown Stapler
Paslode 3200_50-C Coil Nailer
Paslode 3200_50-I16P Medium Crown Stapler
Paslode 3200_50-S16DL Medium Crown Stapler
Paslode 3200_50-S16P Medium Crown Stapler
Paslode 3200_50-W16 Wide Crown Stapler
Paslode 3250-65-F14 Finish Nailer
Paslode 3250-F16 Finish Nailer
Paslode 3250-F_16 Finish Nailer
Paslode 3250_65-F14 Finish Nailer
Paslode R175-C Roofers Choice&trade Roofing Coil Nailer
Paslode S150-W16R 16 Gauge, Wide Crown, Construction Stapler
Paslode S150N18 Stapler
Paslode S200-S16DL Double Length Stapler
Paslode S200-W16DL Stapler
Paslode S200_S16 Framing Stapler
Paslode S200_W16 Insulation Sheathing Stapler
Paslode T250-F16 16 Gauge Straight Finish Nailer

Additional information

Weight 4 oz
Dimensions 10 × 7 × 1 in